
Inversion Hair Growth Method

I've been growing out my hair for a year now. I did a routine to speed up the process and my pictures are 6 weeks apart in the image below. It was noticeably thicker at the ends but I wanted to try something else: THE INVERSION METHOD. I heard about this method from Halima months ago and tried it once but the oil took out most of my color so I stopped :(  It's 7 days so why not now?

I would rather not be repetitive and do a post on what it is and how to do it. There's just so much videos and blog posts already so here you go instead: Read The Inversion Method for Hair: Grow an Inch of Hair in 7 days for details and watch a quick video:

Warning:  Do not continue if you feel sick, light headed, dizzy or in any way abnormal. You are basically leaning over letting blood rush to your head so if that's not comfortable, this isn't for you.

I read comments that this wasn't all that effective for those who are regularly active through exercise or yoga.

I'm skeptical of this, of course.  Some people claiming that you can grow up to 2-4 inches in only a week. That sounded fake especially when they don't film it or lift up their hair. It could be hair extensions for all we know..

I had a theory: That perhaps maybe the use of oil weighted the hair down and it had appeared longer. I thought of this often because most people that I researched ONLY had natural colored hair. Why NOT do this on dyed hair and actually show roots with an extreme contrast as proof??

Recently I had dyed my hair red but it faded with purple sections and I didn't want to try to fix it. I covered it with Pravana well BUT my recently bleached roots remained red.  I thought it was a great way to see the possible new growth.

I didn't film my progress this time but next month I will if I happen to get a light setup. It's just way too dark now! Or at least I'll take pictures with a measuring tape.

During summer my hair extensions took too much damage and I trimmed the length off for a more natural look. You can still see my natural hair isn't quite as thick but it's longer than it now.  Hopefully it will thicken up over time!

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